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fill out the form below
to be considered for
the body-love movement 

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Here's What to Expect 

  • Where will my shoot take place
    My studio is in High Point, NC and is located on the second floor of beautiful 1930s home in Emerywood. The studio is completely private, and there is a hair and makeup studio on site!
  • How does the professional hair and makeup work?
    All you have to do the day of your shoot is show up with clean hair and face, and my professional hair and makeup artist will be there at the studio with all the makeup and beauty tools for every skin and hair type. You can let her know the type of look you would like, or just let her do her thing if you don't know, and she will expertly style you to look your absolute best!
  • Will my images be shared online?
    I only share images with client permission! After your ordering appointment you can choose to allow sharing of some, all, or none of your images. You can rest assured that I will never post an image online without consent!
  • I want to do a shoot but I'm so nervous....
    Everyone is nervous! After all, this is a new experience, that's outside your comfort zone, and it's totally normal to be nervous. New experiences help us to grow, and I promise as soon as we start, those nerves will go away. When you see your gorgeous images, it will be totally worth it!
  • I'm not a model, and I have no clue how to pose, can I do this?"
    Absolutely! I will walk you through everything and demonstrate exactly what to do!
  • What should I wear or bring? Does it have to be lingerie?
    Once you book, I will send out a lingerie and style guide with everything you need to know. I also have a constantly growing client closet that you have full access to. And no, it doesnt have to be lingerie. Oversize sweaters, men's shirts, leather jackets, and kimonos are all beautiful alternatives that can be just as sexy!

Reasons to Do a Boudoir Session 


-As an act of self love

when was the last time you did something entirely for yourself? not just that, when was the last time you looked at yourself and thought "damn, i'm amazing!" I'm willing to bet it's not often enough.  so many times, we have this image in our heads of how we should be and what we should look like, and we tend to want to perfect ourselves until we become that idealized vision. we imagine that at that point we will be worthy of love,  but the thing is -that vision is probably based on something that was never real to begin with.  but you - right now as you are - scars, laugh lines, stretch marks, those few extra pounds,  and all - are real and 100% worthy of loving yourself right now!


- to celebrate a milestone 

have a birthday coming up? there is no better present to yourself than to treat yourself to an amazing experience and have beautiful heirloom quality photos to cherish for a lifetime! A boudoir session is also a perfect way to celebrate an anniversary, engagement, or wedding, and our albums make the most amazing gifts! 


- as a confidence boost 

How we think about ourselves affects how we feel about ourselves — and feelings are the language of the universe! the way we feel projects into every aspect of our lives.  A positive self-image can boost our physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It takes courage to be unapologetically yourself and do something that is outside your comfort zone.  Letting your guard down and embracing yourself and your body will make you feel so proud and powerful!  you'’ll leave with your head held high and feeling confident to take on the rest of your life. Once you see the photos, you will ask yourself, “Why did I wait so long to do this!?”


We can't wait to talk to you about your body love session! Complete the form on this page to take the next step! 

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